Thursday, June 24, 2010

So far at TC's...

Hey all!

This Blogging thing is new so I have to keep up. Here in Houston, there's not much Drag (I'm told), and what there is is dwindling, as many people have lost the drive to try it (again, so I'm told). But I've sung now a few times at a charming bar called T.C.'s over in the main Montrose hot spot. For those not in Houston, Montrose is our ...Gayborhood. Not very big, but it's there. And a good chunk of the bars and clubs geared toward us are there as well, surrounded closely by like-minded shops and restaurants.

So I've sung at this joint, and while I'd recommend it (especially if I'm there ;) ), I thought it'd be best to keep up with my song list, again.

So, in reverse chronological order:

Drag-Off, Monday June 21st:
Featuring 18 Contestants performing for 3.5 hours, each vying for a spot on the regular TC's cast, this was a show, indeed. I was Contestant #12. With Sunflowers in my hair and a nervous spring in my step, I showed "How Lovely to Be a Woman" it is to an audience of... well, a lot of women. So I guess a lot of them knew, but enjoyed the number all the same, it seems. Then I sang my Heart out, all "Alone", which went over surprisingly well. Not that I don't enjoy the number, there were just some people who seemed very into it that I would not usually suspect to be into a song like that. Got my first tip of CHANGE. Haha someone gave me $2.50, very neatly presented. Very strange.

Following that, I cameo'd in the Open Mic night, which some may recall I won last week. I brought out Amy Winehouse and Lip-sync'd a Hot Mess number to "Rehab". Always fun, and got a lot of laughs--though I'm especially glad Rachel and Bret enjoyed it. I knew my mom would :) Closing my set (and the show, if I remember correctly?), I sang "Good Morning, Baltimore". I had never really realized before how great of a song that is for the Gays. I mean, it's about rejection, a desire to be accepted, and a yearn to be a star. How could I not have put THAT one together earlier? Haha a few people in the crowd said I should have used that set in the Competition, and perhaps they were right. I was just nervous about those songs being chosen by other Competitors. Oh well.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010:
My prize for winning Monday's "Open Mic" was the opportunity to appear alongside the usual cast on Wednesday night. I had a wonderful time with my friend Kate and met even more lovely people after my set, including Marcia Mink, who began to educate me on the International Imperial Court System of the United States (and Canada). Fascinating. I didn't know the crowd well going in, so I picked songs I thought were sure to be easy hits--or at least not confrontational misses. I apparently chose correctly, because Tanya Hyde gave me a lovely write up review for my "Part of Your World" (which was VERY shaky with my newly rediscovered nerves)--and people are still talking about a good way. I also brought out Spex's favorite friend, the Unnnamed Hand Puppet--or Unnamed Hand Cowboy?--for my fun Lip-sync of the Faith Hill/Tim McGraw duet "Like We Never Loved at All". I had a blast, and I'm really hoping I perform more at this bar.

Monday, June 14, 2010:
Violet's Houston Debut! I gussied myself up and sang "Maybe This Time", which unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately?) played through with a couple of second-long pauses in the tune. Sure it cracked the mood, but it made it almost painfully clear that I was singing live, and allowed me to, in signature Violet style, poke fun at the lyrics, adding after "All the odds are in my favor", a joking "...maybe not". Which went over very well, so I suppose it was a good thing. :) I didn't realize I would do more than one song (or that I would be the only contestant), so it's a good thing my CD had four numbers. The only other girl working that night was host Jenny LaRue, so I also performed "Somewhere That's Green" and "Never Been to Me", though without any costume changes. But my friends Rachel, Bret, and Stuart all got to come see the show, so that was lovely. Now that my mom is going to be a regular audience member here in Houston, I do enjoy when people come to sit with her.

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